F8650E HIMA 数据通信及处理器模块 中央模块
用于PES H51q MS、-HS、-HRS、,
安全相关,根据IEC 61508适用于SIL 3
微处理器INTEL 386EX,32位
时钟频率25 MHz
操作系统闪存EPROM 1 MB
用户程序闪存EPROM 1 MB*
数据SRAM 1 MB*
接口两个带电气隔离的串行接口RS 485
故障时关闭安全相关看门狗,输出24 V,
负载高达500 mA,防短路
空间要求8 SU
工作数据5 V/2 A
通信模块F 8627X的应用:
–中央模块与PADT(ELOP II TCP)的连接
Modbus TCP)
模块F 8627X,并从F 8627X的以太网端口进入以太网网络,反之亦然
–自学:来自操作系统BS41q/51q V7.0-8(05.31)
–ELOP II TCP:来自操作系统BS41q/51q V7.0-8(05.31)
关于公交车站编号、ELOP II TCP、操作系统加载和
引脚RS 485信号含义
2-RP 5 V,通过二极管去耦
3 A/A’RxD/TxD-A接收/发送数据A
5 C/C’DGND数据接地
6-VP 5 V,电源正极
8 B/B'RxD/TxD-B接收/发送数据B
For the serial interface only the bus station no.1-31 can be set.
Within an Ethernet network the bus station no.can be set from 1 to 99.Therefore the switches
S1-6/7 must be set in addition to the switches S1-1/2/3/4/5.
The number of the communication partners within a network is still limited to 64.
This enhanced setting of the bus station no.is only possible from operating system BS41q/51q
V7.0-8(05.31)of the central module.
Applications with the communication module F 8627X:
–connection of the central module to a PADT(ELOP II TCP)
–connection to other communication partners within an Ethernet network(safeethernet,
Modbus TCP)
The communication runs from the central module via the backplane bus to the communication
module F 8627X and from the Ethernet ports of the F 8627X into the Ethernet network and vice
Special features of the central module:
–Self-education:from operating system BS41q/51q V7.0-8(05.31)
–ELOP II TCP:from operating system BS41q/51q V7.0-8(05.31)
Further informations about the bus station no.,ELOP II TCP,loading of operating systems and
application programs(self-education)et al.corresponding to the central module you will find in
the data sheet of the F8627X as well as the operating system manual of H41q/H51q and the
safety manual of H41q/H51q.
Pin RS 485 Signal Meaning
1--not used
2-RP 5 V,decoupled by diodes
3 A/A’RxD/TxD-A Receive/Transmit Data A
4-CNTR-A Control signal A
5 C/C’DGND Data Ground
6-VP 5 V,positive pole of power supply
7--not used
8 B/B’RxD/TxD-B Receive/Transmit Data B
9-CNTR-B Control signal B
Before removing a central module its fi
B4231 | 用于H41q/H41qc/H51q的套件Kits for the H41q/H41qc/H51q |
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B4233-2 | 用于H41q/H41qc/H51q的套件Kits for the H41q/H41qc/H53q |
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B4237-2 | 用于H41q/H41qc/H51q的套件Kits for the H41q/H41qc/H55q |
B5231 | 用于H41q/H41qc/H51q的套件Kits for the H41q/H41qc/H56q |
B5233-2 | 用于H41q/H41qc/H51q的套件Kits for the H41q/H41qc/H57q |
B9302 | 用于H41q/H41qc/H51q的套件Kits for the H41q/H41qc/H58q |
B4235 | 用于H41q/H41qc/H51q的套件Kits for the H41q/H41qc/H59q |
B5233-1 | 用于H41q/H41qc/H51q的套件Kits for the H41q/H41qc/H60q |
F8652X | 中央模块Central Module |
F8650X | 中央模块Central Module |
F8653X | 中央模块Central Module |
F8651X | 中央模块Central Module |
F7130A | 电源Power Supply |
F7126 | 电源Power Supply |
F7131 | 电源Power Supply |
F3221 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3223 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3236 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3238 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3248 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3222 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3224 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3237 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3240 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F5220 | 数字输入模块Digital Input Module |
F3322 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F3330 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F3333 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F3335 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F3349 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F3325 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F3331 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F3334 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F3348 | 数字输出模块Digital output Module |
F6214 | 模拟(量)输入模块Analog Input Module |
F6215 | 模拟(量)输入模块Analog Input Module |
F6217 | 模拟(量)输入模块Analog Input Module |
F6221 | 模拟(量)输入模块Analog Input Module |
F6213 | 模拟(量)输入模块Analog Input Module |
F6216 | 模拟(量)输入模块Analog Input Module |
F6220 | 模拟(量)输入模块Analog Input Module |
F6705 | 模拟(量)输出模块Analog Output Module |
F6706 | 模拟(量)输出模块Analog Output Module |
F7132 | 电源分配模块Power Distribution Module |
F7133 | 电源分配模块Power Distribution Module |
F7126 | 分配模块Supplementary Modules |
F7131 | 分配模块Supplementary Modules |
F8627 | 分配模块Supplementary Modules |
F8628 | 分配模块Supplementary Modules |
F7130A | 分配模块Supplementary Modules |
F8621A | 分配模块Supplementary Modules |
F8627X | 分配模块Supplementary Modules |
F8628X | 分配模块Supplementary Modules |
H7505 | 用于配置HIPro的总线连接模块Bus Connection Modules for configuring HIPRO |
H7506 | 用于配置HIPro的总线连接模块Bus Connection Modules for configuring HIPRO |
H7505 | HIBVS总线连接模块 HIBVS Bus Connection Module |
H7506 | HIBVS总线连接模块 HIBVS Bus Connection Module |
PC4851SA | HIBVS总线连接模块 HIBVS Bus Connection Module |
H4116 | 电源继电器模块Power Relay Module |
H4135 | 电源继电器模块Power Relay Module |
H4122 | 电源继电器模块Power Relay Module |
H4136 | 电源继电器模块Power Relay Module |
Bv7032 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7043 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7045 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7048 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7050 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7052 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7053 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7051 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7049 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7046 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7044 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |
Bv7040 | 数据连接电缆Data Connection Cable |